In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath point out that bad ideas often keep circulating, while good ideas often have a hard time succeeding.
Why is that?
That’s the question their book — which most have probably heard of by now — answers.
To make an impact, your idea has to stick. A “sticky” idea is one that is understood and remembered, and has lasting impact. A sticky idea changes the audience’s opinions or behavior.
How do you make your ideas sticky? They give six points. Here they are, from my notes on the book:
- Simple. This gets people to understand.
- Unexpected. This gets people to pay attention and maintain interest.
- Concrete. This gets people to understand so they remember.
- Credible. This helps show that your idea is true.
- Emotions. This gets people to care.
- Stories. This gets people to act.
The rest of the book unpacks each of those ideas. It is well worth a read if you haven’t already.